Actually, unplanned, I was shown their current accounting system, made by an award-winning local company BISAN. This changed my entire thinking about what their potential membership and program registration solutions can now be. More later in the week, or even next week, on this topic.
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This YMCA logo on a whiteboard was made by children of the community of Beit-Sahour. The unusual characteristic of this art work is its material -- shrapnel (!!). The children used pieces of shrapnel from exploded shells that had struck this facility during the early days of the 2nd intifada.
*note: you can also see glue marks that spell out YMCA in the center. The director told me that originally that all those letters of Y-M-C-A were actual bullets. But he said that some of the other children, over time, had taken them off the whiteboard -- probably as souvenirs.
Also, I was shown an upright piano, that still has a large-caliber bullet stuck in the side of the wooden upright section!
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