Thursday, December 18, 2008

Day #6, 18-Dec-2008, Beit-Sahour

"Amplify" was the word of the day today, and the operative word going forward in my work here with my NGO brothers/sisters.

On the way to/from Beit-Sahour the usual checkpoint show passports/IDs, stop the car, open the trunk (making sure as NGO workers we don't have any WMD or illegal substances ;) - we didn't so they let us pass, both times, and we completed our round-trip visit without incident. However, the return trip was enhanced enormously by the best Falafels in the country. True.

Have coordinated a possible meeting on Monday 22-Dec with NGO director and independent news reporting agency -- in a first effort at identifying our "amplifiers" to help us spread the work of this very good work, farther & faster. Stay tuned...

*notes: thanks to a social media friend, @sleepdog on Twitter, I'm including here a link to a powerful presentation about "Amplified Individuals, Amplified Organizations" Enjoy!