Sunday, December 28, 2008

Day #17 of 28: 29-Dec-2008

9am local time:
Report from UN citing that 9 UN staff have been killed in Gaza.

7am local time:
No new news here. More death. More destruction. Smallish outbursts outside of Gaza, but trivial in comparison. Interesting observation from watching nearly 24/7 coverage on one channel or another (Aljazeera Arabic/English and BBC): nobody changes anyone else's opinion. Those fervently blaming the other side continue to do so. Zero sum game. Sad. Beyond sad. Day #2 of 3-day mourning throughout the Palestinian world.


Renata said...

Hola Jeff from Uruguay... I have been thinking of you in the last few days as I heard about from Gaza on the news here... Now that I have a better connection ("banda ancha móvil pre-paga", creative and very efficient approach to internet service in the so-called third world) I managed to visit your blog and learn of your impressions about what is going on. Thanks for sharing and I can only try to understand the suffering of the Palestinian people.
I have also seen your emails about the membership software. Thanks!
Please take care and gracias otra vez por tu solidaridad, nos inspirás a todos... Saludos, Renata

Anonymous said...


Heard about everything in the area. Please be as safe as possible.
A lot of really interesting reporting on your blog, it seems like a very exciting and volatile place.
Again, be safe!!!

